Professional Teeth Whitening in Tampa
Do you feel self-conscious about your smile because of yellowing or stained teeth? Have you tried numerous, expensive store-bought teeth whitening kits that don’t seem to work?
Yellow or stained teeth can take away from your natural beauty and can even affect your self-esteem. Everyone wants to have beautiful pearly whites without having to take time out of their day or waste money on brands that make empty promises.
At North Tampa Dentistry, we understand how a dazzling, brilliant laugh can improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence. Patients can enjoy a whiter smile with our professional tooth whitening treatment.
Dr. Roberto Bellegarrigue is an expert cosmetic dentist in Tampa, FL; he and his trained staff will get you set up with a take-home whitening kit. This is by far the best teeth whitening option available.
Reasons Why Teeth Stain
Teeth can become yellow or stained for many reasons, some even out of our control. The most common culprits include:
- Tobacco—If you haven’t already quit, yellowing teeth might raise the stakes. Chewing or smoking tobacco products can turn your pearly whites brown or yellow.
- Food or beverages—The general rule of thumb seems to be that anything that can stain a white tablecloth can, over time, also stain your teeth. Coffee, tea, berries, tomato sauce, red wine are all common.
- Genetics—Sometimes, people are naturally blessed with whiter teeth than others.
- Aging—As we age, our the pores of our enamels can begin capturing food particles, leading to dull teeth.
Store-Bought vs. In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening
In the perfect world, brushing and flossing your teeth routinely would be all it takes to maintain perfectly white teeth between regular dental checkups and cleanings. Unfortunately, for many of us, that’s not the case—especially if you indulge in coffee or wine. For those of us with busy schedules, hitting the store to buy promising whitening products seems like a perfect solution—without putting much research into whether or not these products are effective—or safe.
That’s because over-the-counter teeth whitening supplies don't usually work as well. The main active ingredient in teeth whitening products is hydrogen peroxide. The main difference between store products and our professional teeth whitening in Tampa is the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide.
To protect consumers, store-bought brands have a lower concentration of peroxide since it has the potential to damage gum tissue, or even swallowed. A lower strength won’t burn or harm the user—and it also won’t whiten your teeth as effectively as professional teeth whitening. Additionally, some brands add ingredients to make the gel taste better, but can actually damage your enamel.
At North Tampa Dentistry, we proudly offer Philips Zoom take-home whitening kit. We prefer Zoom because it gently whitens up to eight shades while minimizing tooth sensitivity. Philips Zoom is unique in being the only whitening product to contain amorphous calcium phosphate, fluoride, and potassium nitrate. Zoom offers a comfortable and result-driven experience for Carrollwood patients.
Many of our patients love the convenience of whitening their teeth in the comfort of their own home. With take-home whitening, you don’t need to take time out of your schedule to improve your smile!
Book Teeth Whitening Treatment in North Tampa
If you live nearby in Tampa, Hamlet, Brentwood, or Carrollwood, get the benefits of whiter teeth at North Tampa Dentistry. Our patients will receive a take-home whitening kit after a dental consultation with Dr. Bellegarrigue. Contact North Tampa Dentistry at (813) 968-5368 to request a teeth whitening appointment.